Graham Lounge
The Lounge is OPEN! [Still exists post-Covid... Details under review.]
Mondays before school and Wednesdays during lunch
Funded by the Graham PTA, The Lounge at Graham (room 40) is hosted by Project Cornerstone parents and is a positive place for students to relax and connect. All are welcome! See the flyer.
The Lounge - a positive place for students to relax & connect, and to feel valued & known. We have board & card games & puzzles, coloring books, tables to eat at, couches to hang out on, and caring adults!
The Lounge in Room 40 is open:
Mondays from 8:15-9:20AM and (Volunteers arrive at 8:15, leave about 9:30)
Wednesdays from 12:07-12:47PM (Volunteers can expect to arrive 15 minutes before and after for set-up and clean-up.)
To Volunteer contact Melissa:
La sala en Graham Abierto
los lunes antes de clases y los miércoles durante el almuerzo
La sala en Graham, ubicado en el salón 40, es presentado por los padres de Project Cornerstone y patrocinado por la PTA. Proporciona un lugar acogedor para que los estudiantes se relajen y se conecten. Pase y diga hola o traiga su almuerzo y coma adentro. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Ver el folleto.
About the Lounge
On Oct. 24, 2016, we opened “the Lounge” at Graham, converting Room 40 into a calm place for students to stop by, relax and connect with a few caring adults (open Mondays before school and Wednesdays during lunch) . The Lounge is sponsored by Project Cornerstone parent volunteers and the Graham PTA.
Read more about the lounge. You can check out a video about the Lounge at Graham.
The Lounge at Graham began in Oct of 2016 when Graham’s Project Cornerstone team (a group of caring adults) came together to create a calm space for kids to relax and connect. They converted room 40 into “The Lounge at Graham,” offered soothing images and meditation music on the room’s big screen TV and provided a bean bag corner, coloring, positive quotes, stress balls, buddha boards, decks of cards, simple games and a few snacks.
The Lounge is currently open Mondays before late start and Wednesdays during lunch, serves an average of 150 students each week and is co-sponsored by the PTA. Four to five parent volunteers act as “hosts” in the lounge, welcoming and checking in with students.
After the Lounge became such a positive place to gather at lunch, Monica Teicher, one of our parent volunteers decided to open the room early on
Mondays (Graham’s late start) offering a warm place to hang out before school or catch up on homework.
Thank you to our leads, Melissa and Caryn and their team for creating this space in the morning.
Every week, the Lounge has a question of the day where students can write their answers on the whiteboard. Here are some of this year’s topics:
• When days are tough, what do you do to put yourself in a more positive place?
• What do you like about Graham?
• What are some qualities of a friend?
• How do you show kindness (at home, in school, in the world)
• Who do you go to if you want to talk to someone?
• What are you thankful for?
• What advice would you give a new student at Graham?
• What can we do to make the world a better place?
• What do you do to be mindful (how to be in the present moment)?
• How do you relax?
Graham appreciates the dedicated parent volunteers who donate their time to create this welcoming and inclusive place.
Sobre la sala
El 24 de octubre del 2016, abrimos "The Lounge" en Graham, convirtiendo la habitación 40 en un lugar tranquilo para que los estudiantes paren y se relajen y se conecten con algunos adultos que se preocupan (abiertos los lunes antes de clases y los miércoles durante el almuerzo). The Lounge está patrocinado por los padres voluntarios de Project Cornerstone y el PTA de Graham.